Ubisoft surprises The Division 2 players, confirms that new content is coming later this year

Ubisoft surprises The Division 2 players, confirms that new content is coming later this year

Earlier this week, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guilmot said that even though its Massive studio is now developing a new open-world Star Wars game, it also continues to work on its other open-world shooter series, The Division Will keep “Massive Studios is a big studio, and they are also collaborating with studios around the world,” he told analysts in the quarterly financial call. “You’re going to see more on the division this year and the year after that.”

Today the studio is officially committed to that promise, with a message on Twitter stating that the recently released title update 12 was intended to be the game’s last major update to Division 2, “but your continued support Thanks for being, we are now. ” Early stages of development of fresh material for later release in 2021. ”

The message states, “While it is still too early to go into more details, you won’t have to wait much longer.” In the meantime, we again send heartfelt thanks for your continued support through The Division 2 post-launch period Want to We can’t stress enough how much this means to us. ”

The title update went live on December 12 and kicked off the fourth season of The Division 2, ending with End of Watch. In a situation when there is not enough on the nose, the season is built around the return of Faye Lau, an NPC in the division who screws up and joins Black Tusk in The Division 2. I haven’t played it myself, but reading the wiki it seems too much “closing the loop” – a good way to wrap things up in other words

The team at Division 2 may not be ready to share details on what he has in mind for the new material, but Guillematt’s statement that “this year and the year after that” is way more than it would have been. Is that it will not be a simple-and-done.

The studio also said that it is currently investigating what seems like a very serious crash bug, and is also close to being a fix for missing volumetric fog and screen space reflections on the PlayStation 5.


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